Sunday, March 03, 2013


unique or alone?

What do you
think? Am I unique
or alone?

The beauty of this picture is ambiguity. It portrays two meanings. If you see it from one angle, the colorful flower is alone in the bunch of similar ones. If you see it from another angle, the colorful flower is so unique and special - one of a kind!

If I've to decide which one is right, I'll be confused since both appear true and correct to me. Hence, the ambiguity.

I look for ambiguity when I'm writing because life is ambiguous - Keith Richards

Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world. Look at something and think what else it might be - Roger von Oech

Ambiguity can be frustrating, to be sure. But it can also be intriguing, mysterious and delightful - Unknown

Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity - Gilda Radner

Ambiguity: the bastard child of creativity and cowardice - Yahia Lababidi

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27 Comments ♥ ツ

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Bushra said...

Great lesson on perspective_beautiful:)

Amrit Sinha said...

I love the insightful notion here !!!

A Homemaker's Utopia said...

Nice perspective..Loved it..:-)

Saumi said...

Nice way you presented the concept. :)

AmitAag said...

Great thought!
(applies to me and all loners:))

Panchali said...


Woman'n'Beyond said...

I agree with the last quote, ambiguity is both creativity and cowardice. I would add indecisiveness to it.

The Mukhtiars said...


anupIdealist said...

@vaLLi: i <3'ed &, ur reaLLy UniQue, jst LiKe me.. ;)

travel ufo said...


asteria's canvass said...

its really amazing and beautiful.

Defiant Princess said...

There are only a few people who can see both the views that you do.
Lovely post :)

Defiant Princess

Ashitha said...

Loved this Sri...U always allow your readers a space to breathe in between lines..Excellent post, as always

TTT said...

Among the bunch of flowers the colorful flower has created its own identity ... but at what cost ?
Oh Valli I really loved it !

sushmitha said...

Nice one.. Good example..

OnePourTree said...

Beautiful post, Sri... Wondering if you are still confused... :)

Shaivi said...

Hi Valli!
Ur awesome blog has received a Creative Blogger Award. Check out the link for my post...

Kcalpesh said...

Nice quotes...

Gracy said...

Beautiful on ambiguity. Food for thought! I'd say unique; each one of us is unique in our own way among the rest of our kind.

Locomente said...

Unique though alone!

Paola Lauretano said...

Do you like to follow each other on GFC? Let me Know...

Anonymous said...

I would rather say unique.

Hemant said...

Agreeing with you for sure....being unique can also be ambiguous a lot of time..

Anonymous said...

yes unique and alone two different things. everyone is unique, and everyone should be alone once in a while. how can you be happy with others if you cannot be happy with your self? this post askes a lot of the reader, and that is wonderful, reading should stimulate the mind, and the conversation. well done!

Rahul Bhatia said...

This is true for most of the things in life. Nothing is perfectly white or black but shades of grey! The same ambiguity that u captured so well, Valli:)

Surbhi Bafna said...

What a thought-provoking post. Ambiguity is surely a child of creativity and cowardice. Kudos!
Silly Smiles... Take you Miles :)

Anonymous said...

Beautifully explained.


Poetry - Reflection of my feelings ♥ ツ . Design By: SkinCorner Sri Valli