Photo by Jean Fan (JFotography)
Peacocks dancing to
roar of sky, Singing happy
welcome to raindrops!
Written for Tackle it Tuesday

{Feelings extracted from my heart and painted as poetry art!}
Disclaimer: Most of the pictures used in this blog are not mine. They are taken from various websites. I am thankful to the owners of these beautiful pictures. However, If you want me to remove them, Please do let me know :) Thank you :)
15 Comments ♥ ツ
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Great picture you have painted here with your haiku in the classical way. Thank you for sharing Valli.
Beautiful poem :-)
Lovely work!
Lovely ~ awesome photo ~ (A Creative Harbor)
nothing more incredible as a peacock strutting.....lovely haiku and photo combo....
Wow.. that was a breathtaking picture of the peacock. With a lovely touch of your poetry. Magical indeed.
Lovely indeed! Magnificent peacock.
Oh dear I thought that I did comment already ... above, through Facebook. Well, as I said above we need rain desperately.
Beautiful words....
Hi Valli!
Lovely Haiku, hope the peacock enjoyed the rain!
I'm always fascinated by peacocks. I mean, why should it be privileged to be so beautiful! Is there any reason?. Beautiful photo and beautiful poetry, Valli!
Gorgeous photo! So nice poem.
The exciting Bawangbian (power whip) dance of the Bai people; the ... the Guozhuang dance of the Tibetan people; and the delicate Peacock dance of the Da
Very delightful, Valli:)
Thanks for the read Everyone :)