Leave letter in Mathematics
The Principal,
Mathematical Institute of Technology,
Partial differenciation colony,
Laplace Transforms street,
Curvature city.
The Principal,
Mathematical Institute of Technology,
Partial differenciation colony,
Laplace Transforms street,
Curvature city.
Respected Sir,
I convergence bearing roll number 1 in the class sequences and series could not attend the college and could not write Cauchy's root test held on Dt:XIII-II-MMII as it was compulsory for me to attend my sister Integration's marriage with differentiation.So, I request you to kindly excuse me for my absence and conduct the test again.
Thanking You,
Your's divergently,
P.s. Wrote this long back, during my Engineering days...It got displayed on my college wall magazine.

13 Comments ♥ ツ
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You are a real romantic :)
love the address of the college...nice one
= + % / .> <
hahahahah hilarious Valli gaaru. :) ROFL
I'm stunned to see the mathematician in u... :O
Superb Valli!!:D
lol..good one
This was funny :-)
That was just hilarious. Very innovative and inventive. Differentiation and Integration getting married! That’s trouble tending to the power of Infinity!
Funny. Well said.
Haha hilarious and brilliant !
I pity the child born out of such a marriage, unless of course it is an e^x.
Its great to hear about the leave letter in mathematics.
Leave letter Templates
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