(Image taken from here)
Memories of school;
Autograph book signed with
"Forget me not" quotes
Written for Haiku Heights

{Feelings extracted from my heart and painted as poetry art!}
Disclaimer: Most of the pictures used in this blog are not mine. They are taken from various websites. I am thankful to the owners of these beautiful pictures. However, If you want me to remove them, Please do let me know :) Thank you :)
10 Comments ♥ ツ
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What a great 'take' on word prompt ~ fantastic ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)
Awesome take! :)
Loved it
Your poem took me back to school days ... those memorable autograph books ... lovely rendition of the prompt :-)
I was so anal, that I wouldn't let anyone autograph my year books....wanted to keep them pristine at the time...your haiku dislodged some long forgotten memories.....
I wish I still had my yearbook from high school. Alas, in a fit of stupidity, I burned it one night, along with a whole bunch of other things. I called it "simplifying." Now I call it "regret."
My Forget-Me-Nots
Yeah, school memories..And yap, 'forget me not' always there on every autograph book I signed, hahaha . Thanks for bringing back the memories..:)
Yeah, those scrap books and autograph books... I still have them and revisiting them is such a treat. Nice take, Valli! :)
Love the haiku
Missing those good old days
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
Green Speck
Thanks :)
Thank you :)
That's sad...We do such stupid things also during those days...They are also memories to count! Thanks for the read :)
Thanks for the read :)
Thanks for the read :)
Thanks for the read :)
Thanks for the read :)