Sunday, August 25, 2013

Waiting to belong

How does it feel...
To stand like a stranger
in a place where you actually belong?

How does it feel...
To be silent lyrics of unheard pain
in the heart's sorrow song?

How does it feel...
To be an unexplored part,
like a hidden face of a fallen dice?

How does it feel...
To be a single ugly truth
standing naked among million lies?

How does it feel...
To be unrecognizable, like a drop
searching for its identity in the mighty ocean?

How does it feel...
To be away from the only person
who could read your silence and emotion?

i comments ツ

25 Comments ♥ ツ

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Tomichan Matheikal said...

It's a very strong need: the need to belong. Nice lines that capture the depth of the need.

Anonymous said...

How much we long for that ONE !! ..beautifully expressed as always ! :)

zunnur said...

I can totally relate to the firt stanza

Simran said...

When any one of them happens to us...that draws us back and deceive from the very moment... it feels lost, lonely and miserable... especially when the last one happens.

Unknown said...

Its so beautiful, You have caught the pain and confusion of every soul who is different so beautifully. The strange feeling of un-belonging that creeps into one at such moments are incredible.

Shivani Singh said...

Oh Valli...this truly feels like a song of the heart. Sry for the late response. But better late than never. :)

Shreya Sikder said...

outstanding write up...

ilakshee said...

What a lovely blog you have! Yes the feeling of loneliness is very disconcerting.

Rahul Bhatia said...

Very well written Valli! The desire to belong well expressed:)

Aunt Mary said...

That is a an amazing poem, thoughtful, filled with emotions and feelings , loved that :)

Rat said...

lovely poem Valli. longing emotions came out perfectly. :)

Amrit Sinha said...

Beautiful as always ... your words emote a lot.

Aditi said...

Very beautifully captured the need to belong! Lovely...

Ankur Anand said...

lovely ! last stanza awesome :)

Unknown said...

expressions are innovative and yet it sounds simple and pure ... really good !

A Homemaker's Utopia said...

Wonderful lines..Kudos to you..:-)

preethi said...

Lovely lines...strong emotions.. beautifully conveyed.. :)

Comboupdates said...

Beautiful Valli and coming from you after a long long time

Siny U K Nair said...

I know how it feels!

Deepak Kripal said...

A very meaningful and poignant composition Valli. Every para tells a story in itself.

Sorry for my somewhat prolonged absence btw dear, life keeps me on the treadmill all the time. But I see what I miss when I read compositions like this.

eartherian said...

It's amazing to see how everything is so 'alive' on your blog! :D
Nice post too!

Bushra Muzaffar said...

Very nice!

Akash Govindarajan said...

This one is good :) Last stanza very relatable!

Locomente said...

I have felt what each of those lines speaks...
This is just so beautiful...
Reached my heart and touched it...

Very well expressed...

It feels like - "why that special one is not with me...?" :(

Sowmpu m said...

wow! great feelings valli ... :)


Poetry - Reflection of my feelings ♥ ツ . Design By: SkinCorner Sri Valli