Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A quote on 'Quote'

I have been fond of quotes since my childhood. Quotes are one of the reasons that I got inspired to write. There is a hidden story behind every quote. A quote simply envelopes a story and its essence within few lines. I enjoy reading them a lot because they are sweet and short yet speak in lengths! As I'm too lazy to read books, quotes capture my interest with their brevity. Quotes are just amazing!!

My quote dedicated to all the 'Quotes' that inspired me :)

A Quote is like a seed that implicitly contains the tree of wisdom, It sprouts in our soul when it is nourished with realization.

wisdom tree

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19 Comments ♥ ツ

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Amrit Sinha said...

Quotes bye great men are always inspiring ... and what a beautiful quote on quote :-)

Megha Sarin said...

I too love reading emanates positive vibes..


anupIdealist said...

superB & <3'Ly Ms.VaLLi.. :)

Locomente said...

Beautifully quoted!!!

Unknown said...

lovely quote nd pic :)

Unknown said...

A quote is something...where i lived my life upon...more than reading as i seldom read quotes though i love to write quotes and apply it in my personal life...!!!

Siny U K Nair said...

True :) Few quotes are rooted deep within us :)

"Leads never follow" is something I just love :)

Vishal Rathod said...

Lovely valli

Travel India

Woman'n'Beyond said...

very well said!

Rat said...

very nice, Valli..

Anonymous said...

Very well written dear. I totally agree with you. Sometimes I go looking for some quotes to get inspiration from and the other times I just bumped into something that results into a sudden moment epiphany.

Unknown said...

lovely post and true that,loved your thought process..!!

Ashish Kumar said...

very nice...
quotes always say many things in just few "words"... thats the power of quotes...

Panchali said...


TTT said...

yes I agree ...sometimes all it takes is a quote to make you stand up on your feet once again ... nice one

Saru Singhal said...

Yes a quote does all that! Lovely quote!

indu chhibber said...

Well said-i too love quotes!!

Ellecee said...

When I have some thing I want to illustrate with words I often turn to quotes too,,,I like your quote on quotes and will remember it for the future,,,with all credit to you of course :-)

vidyasree nagaraju said...

That's a very nice quote. Quotes are definitely the seeds of wisdom.


Poetry - Reflection of my feelings ♥ ツ . Design By: SkinCorner Sri Valli