(Image taken from here)
Atop that tree,was a tiny parrot
with wings that were beautifully shown
Humble and happy
she always sang a merry note.
but There he came, armed with a gun
so awestruck by her beauty
pinned her neck and held her tight
and took her home in a cage, so glossy.
Poor parrot!
she tried to soar away
to feel the wind in her face
to be free again
She was fed and nourished
on food and water alone
but her heart still wanted to smell the trees
to catch another worm all alone
Days passed, she kept no count
as her body wasted away
all her former glory was now,
a shadow, dark and silent with nothing to say
he pitied her state,
and let her go
told her to fly away
Dazed, she just didn't know
She'd forgotten to fly
Forgotten to live
Freedom meant nothing now
she walked back into the cage, her last breath to give.
This poem is combined effort of me and my bro Alex......Oops!!...actually 20% is my contribution and the rest of it is his work....Hope you will enjoy reading this poem.....
For haiku lovers-->Joyless Freedom
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loved it :)
This one really provoked my senses !!! Thoughtful writing !!!
Freedom is everything. Lovely depiction :)
I told you no.:P
its a 50-50 effort :D
Very nicely written. I am for freedom of all human beings as well as all creatures. Abolish Zoos. Zoos have outlived their utility. Our mentality has to also change that if we like someone then we have to restrain and put the creature in a cage.
Nice poem, Alex! keep going..Valli is a great poet, now it's your turn boy! All the best:)
wonderful piece of writing :)
Touching piece, Valli n Alex! Very beautiful...
A touching poem with a message-- while it is a crime to cage birds;many humans too live their lives similarly bound!
gud one ya..credit goes to 2 of u :)