(Image taken from here)
You don't know her pain!....
You don't know what she is going through...
You never read her eyes
which were starving to get your attention
Trying to say something...
Something deep and which has never been said before
It's waiting, It's waiting.....
Waiting to burst as tears and cry her story out!!
The very second you notice...
But, Alas! you couldn't read her eyes!!
Then, How could you understand her pain??!!...
You see her and think "She is a tough girl"..
But wait!!....No!!... you didn't see the veiled pain
she hides on her face that silently shattered her heart into pieces!!
You think "She can take anything lightly!!"
But wait!!....No!!...you didn't see her sensitivity
she hides on her face with the help of silence and her bold looks!!
You can't read her eyes....
You can't read her silence...
You can never understand her!!
you can never understand her!!

16 Comments ♥ ツ
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Poignantly beautiful poem!:)
A poetry with soul...
lovely words and a lovely poem..even the picture you have chosen is so accurate..
Glad to have found you at Indiblogger. Your newest follower and a regular visitor now.
Kajal@ http://purplechronicle.blogspot.com/
ok this is my favorite so far Valli..have you written this poem for me? I am joking..it is just one way of saying I am into this situation..people usually judged me..they have heard my story but they never felt the pain I have been through..honestly of all the poems I have read this poem is the best poem that touched my heart..look I am crying..my tears are just flowing on every word you just written..thank you Valli *hugs* ;)
This poem shows deep heart of one who's having pain at heart that no one understand, she smiled but deep inside her heart is crying.
Lovely poem, full of emotions.. thank you for sharing..:)
So true..no one can ever understand girls* at the best. The emotions are so difficult to pretend sometimes and sometimes easy to only pretend!
Complicated right!!
Loved your take in the prose loves especially the end part!!
Great Going!
Remind or tag me if possible if you are write such prose more. However I wil follow ur blog, hope I dont miss any prose of urs :)
Love always!!
~Keep the Spark ALive..
It happenes when someone keeps their selfishness on higher stake in comparision to someone's love.
Its piercing...bt its d bitter truth.
I could so relate with this.. good work :)
I could relate to this woman's feelings on many levels.
nice music :)
Hello Valli!
I am star struck after coming to this blog. I think I managed to grab one of the shooting stars. :D
Your poem is undeniable powerful in expressing what hides beneath the facade that a strong person puts forth. I totally understand your feelings as I have felt this way too. People fail to notice what hides beneath the calm composure.
Love your writing. Take care! :)
Hello Valli!
I am star struck after coming to this blog. I think I managed to grab one of the shooting stars. :D
Your poem is undeniable powerful in expressing what hides beneath the facade that a strong person puts forth. I totally understand your feelings as I have felt this way too. People fail to notice what hides beneath the calm composure.
Love your writing. Take care! :)
An all to familiar cry - so beautifully done, Valli
Bittersweet and poignant ... I think many people could relate to this one from one point of their life. Very nice!
Thanks for the read Tarang,Locomente,Kajal,Sie,Sagittarian,Rachana, Mani,Confused soul, Mara,Sheik,Sui,Ellecee and Becca :)
Really very thoughtful and sensible lines., every women cld relate herself with this poem bcz actually most of the women are sensitive inside and pretends to be stronger outside and right now this poem fits into my situation and m also trying to hide my pain.,anyways now i m also your newest follower and visitor. keep writting.,take care