Sweet scent of jasmine
Koel singing on mango tree
Beauty of Summer
Leaves fall, not with lack
of hope, But for fresh start
Beauty of Autumn
Delightful drizzles
Mud's scent, floating paper boats
Beauty of Monsoon
Long nights, Misty roads
Dew drops, Just like pearls on grass
Beauty of Winter
Earth wraps itself in
Green; Blossoms and fragrance
Beauty of Spring
Changing seasons with
changing time; Great avatars
of Mother Nature!!
P.s. I ♥ each and every season!
Written for The Haiku Challenge 2012 - Day 19 – February 19th – Theme Seasons Type Kigo

20 Comments ♥ ツ
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lovely haiku and blog as always! love all the images!:)
I like the way you see the beauty in all seasons!
You've taken me on a delightful trip from season to season. Thank you!
Very delightful reading you!
Beautiful set...I can't pick a favorite.
I like the nature weaving in your words, as a traditional haiku should be ~ Keep on writing as I think you are getting better and better ~
Wow! Great set of haiku, describing the beauty & essence of different seasons, accompanied by really beautiful and apt pictures:)
So delightful post!
Loved it so much :)
And me too like Jasmine a lot! :)
Beauty in your sight..I must say..
Awesome Valli! Love the way you have portrayed the beauty of every season! :)
These are so inspired! I think the one for autumn is particularly profound.
Thank you for providing a sensory journey through the seasons ... very enjoyable set. I appreciate your sharing the beauty of each.
Day 19
i love the smell of jasmine
I love the monsoon one the best. Great job going through all the seasons.
Beautiful images and Haiku,as well!
Well done Valli :)
Thats such a heartwarming compilation of pictures. Really felt divine :)
Beautiful blog and what a beautifully customized theme you have put up!
I would come around everytime I would want to borrow happiness :)
Thank you for such a lovely blog,really :)
Beauty of words
is to touch heart easily
Thanks for this Valli!
I've no words to say Valli.. MY FAVOURITE OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful set of the seasons!
Thanks for the read Sagittarian,SweetTalkingGuy,Magical Mystical Teacher,Grace,Tarang,Simi,Amber,Lolamouse,Becca,Zongrik,Terri/Cloaked Monk,Pranali,Abby :)
Someone is Special...Thank you so much you made by day :)
Mishraji...Thank you so much...Keep visiting my blog :)
Beautiful series of haiku capturing all the wonderful jewels of the seasons!
Love your haiku, I too love haiku but we have very different climates obviously which makes our work very different. I have a blog also.
I would love to put music at the background. Lovely blog:)) Maire
Thanks for reading and sharing your opinion Maire :)