(Image taken from here)
Poor blessed with slack
and Rich with surplus, Wish there's
Poor suffers from the
starvation, And rich from greed,
God!! heal both of them
Dry and parched land waits
to absorb each raindrop but,
the rain.... falls on ocean!
Written for The Haiku Challenge 2012 - Day 18 – February 18th – Theme or word: Famine

10 Comments ♥ ツ
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yes, heal both of them! a wonderful response to a very difficult prompt!
Isn't it ironic - the rain falls in the ocean instead of the land where it's needed most? Nice set of haiku!
Sometimes it seems as though there is no justice in this world, no balancing of the scales.
A Famine of Ink
Nicely done for a difficult prompt!!
(Day 18)
We seem to have the same thoughts on this one. There is an imbalance. Such a shame.
"Dry and parched land waits to absorb each raindrop, but the rain falls on the ocean." - Wow!
'but the rain falls on ocean' Touching one from your pen..
Upch Om my God
haiku for poor and rich
a focus lens for the society
waiting for your next beautiful verses
valli i want to try haiku. so i just tried it :) . please guide me . is the above thing a haiku ?
Thanks for the read Myheartlovesongs, Asni, Magicalmysticalteacher,Becca,Lolamouse,Enigmatic Soul,Someone is special,Siva and Kalyan :)
What you wrote isn't haiku :)
I'll mail you the details about how to write haiku :)