(Image taken from here)
Little things
aren't little, Look at
that pure smile!!
A pure smile
filled with innocence
How precious!!
Name or fame
you've, can't make him smile
your time can!
They've no greed
No craving for more
Just mini joys!
Written for The Haiku Challenge 2012 - Day 13 – February 13th – Theme: Paint the Image

13 Comments ♥ ツ
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you words just flows naturally Valli..you are so good in making Haiku..
..just a short note Valli..I may not be visiting you for awhile..someone dear to me died..but I'll be back I promise ;)
Very nice haiku :-) And very pleasant blog, Valli!
Aww! So sweet ...children r reflection of God..<3
Great things come in small packages!!!
Very Sweet :)
Wonderful set of haiku.
Yeah, isn't he precious!
Beautiful smile.ABSOLUTE BLISS.. isn't?
Wow! Lovely! "just mini joys" --> so true! :)
Such lovely haiku on the beauty of a child. Time is such a precious gift to a child.
oh my God! you made me fly Valli.. Thanks for blessing this.. Happy Man..
Children enjoy so much from so little ... they are always smiling with joy! We should be more like them!
Sie..Thank you....Take care :)
Thanks for the read Vidya,Mani, Locomente,Pranali,Chevrefeuille,SweetTalkingGuy,Sunakshi,Amber,Susie,Someone is special, Becca :)