Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Memory of childhood (Short story)

school rickshaw
(Image taken from here)

Tring tring! The man who ferried me to the school had arrived. My mom was making my plaits and dad was tying my shoe laces. As soon as they were done, we hurried towards the rickshaw. I boarded it and my parents waved "Bye!" and I waved back with a smile. My friend who traveled with me to school every day was sitting beside me. She gave me a smile and a pink rose. I took the rose and pinned it to my hair. Soon, I was lost in the happy chatter.

My rickshaw man had taken a different route today. Today I'd reach my school after everyone else got down. All the other kids had been dropped and we were on the way to mine. But some other rickshaw drivers had blocked the way. Apparently, there was rickshaw strike today. Fearing violence, he told me to get down and sped away. I was at class II that time. I stood there shell-shocked and without a clue about what to do for around 10 minutes.

A boy came around, concerned. He might have been studying in the 7th or 8th grade. He asked me what the problem was and why I looked so confused. I narrated the entire incident. He smiled and said. "Don't worry! Your school is on the way to my school. I will drop you there" I felt so relieved when I heard those words. We were walking together eating groundnuts and chatting. And soon my school arrived. I thanked him and he left.

And thankfully, in the evening rickshaw came to drop me up to home! I explained the whole incident to my parents as soon as I came home. The next day, my parents made sure that the driver would feel like a little child getting scolded.

I'll always think of that boy as my brother. I will be thankful to him all my life. God isn't here or there, He is right here in our hearts. I still don’t know what might have happened if that day the boy hadn't cared enough to ask me "What is wrong sister?"

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Tarang Sinha said...

Nicely written! I was thinking what's going to happen? Thankfully it ended on a good note...:)

Amrit Sinha said...

This is beautiful ... some people do come to us as saviors when we need them !!!

Saru Singhal said...

Some people leave such beautiful memories. Is it true or fiction?

Sri Valli said...

Thanks for the read Tarang :)

Thanks for the read GS :)

This is true incident which happened when I was in II, Thanks for the read Saru :)

anupIdealist said...

@vaLLi: i jst went in ur IncepTioN sToRy.. :)

Aunt Mary said...

Nice happy ending story VALLI.

Jyoti Mishra said...

beautiful imprints of our lives...
always leaves us with a smile on our face.

Siny U K Nair said...

Masth <3

God bless him!

Greatly written :)

The Mukhtiars said...


Ayushi Pratit Khare said...

The very last line is so touchy and sweet...I am glad to find the ending happy...It reminded me of my "first day reaching college adventure ". Very Nicely narrated... :)

Anoop said...

You have a nice cute website here. Thanks for dropping by at anubimb.

Locomente said...

Such a sweet story it is... Loved it... And yes... God is there all around us.. Its a matter of whether we choose to see him or not!

pradipwritenow said...

Wonderful narration of down the memory lane.

odyzz said...

Such an innocent ,soothing story..

Akshay Kumar G said...

That's a beautiful story, although there were some tense moments, I am glad you found a guardian angel that day. :)

Woman'n'Beyond said...

Thank God, the boy was there to help out. How scary it might have been!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet story Valli. That picture made a little nostalgic. I remember fighting over the seats LOL.


Anonymous said...

You write well, but the music on your blog is pushing me away. I have to stop my music, then find a way to stop yours, and fine none, and mute.

Back to the content, faith in humanity: restored!

Ashish said...

Humanity... Hope it never dies.

Bushra said...

Very touching story Valli dear:)

Geetashree Chatterjee said...

Sweet post and a sweet, girly blog and the music is awesome. Your post is refreshing at a time when everyone writes about betrayal and faithlessness.

umashankar said...

Even I feel like blessing that boy! Surely, it is a tale worth treasuring.

Panchali said...

Beautifully penned.... beautiful story:))

Rat said...

awesome narration, Valli.

sathish said...

gave me goosebumps... little sister :)

Rahul Bhatia said...

Nice people always find someone to come to their help when in need, Valli:)

Vaisakhi said...

childhood wierd memories are never washed away...and everystory tends to teach us somethin very important for the future...nice description...n glad it ended on a nice note..:)

Unknown said...

It's good to read. It's so natural.

I have started blogging with some short stories. I would be glad if you take a look and review.

Anonymous said...

Such a precious story and thought


Poetry - Reflection of my feelings ♥ ツ . Design By: SkinCorner Sri Valli