Saturday, February 23, 2013


diamond ring
(Image taken from here)

though precious, shines not
without light!

Educated man
without ethics - like a
diamond in darkness

Haiku Heights

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35 Comments ♥ ツ

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Pranita said...

Lovely thought Valli... cheers! :)

Locomente said...

Strong thought through a simple Haiku...

Ramesh Sood said...

It is very nice..lovely shimmering haiku...


Woman'n'Beyond said...

what a comparison, Valli! Worth quoting!

Vaisakhi said...

very true and deep thought...bravo!!!

Anonymous said...

"like a diamond in darkness" this is deep and true.

Preeti S. said...

Ah. Well said.

Unknown said...

Reminds of a novel of Bibhuti bhusan bandhopadhay...the main character of the story...was trapped in the caves for many days...and in the darkness he could only find few stones thrown here and there...he used it to mark his foot steps as such if he returns to the path again he may realize he had already came here...when he finally escaped the dreaded cave he had one stone left in his pocket an then in the bright sunlight he realised it was nothing but the diamonds...which he usedas a foot steps...!!!

Coming back to the Hiaku totally agree with your thoughts here...similar to the diamonds in darkness educated man without ethics is meaning less...!!!

kaykuala said...

You cleverly brought out the contrast to good effect. Nicely!


asteria's canvass said...

i always get enchanted when i visit ur blog, and today my fav song was playing and most importantly lovely haiku..

joanne said...

sparkling and lovely....and true, true, true....

Unknown said...

too good :)
and also an illiterate with ethics is a diamond waiting to be polished :)

Rat said...

well said :-)

sushmitha said...

Nice one :)

Defiant Princess said...

love the haiku, so very true it is. education is nothing without ethics and etiquette.

Defiant Princess

sathish said...

Awesome... true, very true

Hazel said...

I found out something new today about diamonds. Thanks.

Reshma said...

Very thought-provoking Valli, it is not mere education that makes a man, it is his values. Brilliant!!

Aunt Mary said...

Beautiful concept , loved it.

Ellecee said...

These are really thought provoking and enjoyable at the same time,,,well done,,

OnePourTree said...

Amazing words... Haiku is a difficult form to write, but you do it so brilliantly. :)

Anonymous said...

So true Valli, you have written them beautifully.

New post up

Cifar said...

nice comparison with two different haiku

Aunt Mary said...

Dear Valli, I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! Congratulations! You can check the details on my blog.

Rajnish said...

A very beautiful thought indeed.. :)

odyzz said...

you have splattered gems around..lovely..

Anonymous said...

well written. the wisdom in this speaks volumes =)

Unknown said...

Loved the second one! it holds truth and power!

Anonymous said...

I love this!
McGuffy's Reader

ninotaziz said...

So true, Valli! I subscribe to what Saikat penned as well...

ʞɐ said...

I just dropped by to say that you have been awarded "Creative Blogger Award".

The Shaded Shadows™!!!
(Please follow this link for more details.)

Take Care and Keep Writing.
Cheers. :D

- Ajay Kontham

Rahul Bhatia said...

So agree with you, Valli:)

கா.ந.கல்யாணசுந்தரம் said...

Beautiful. good thought. Best wishes.

Zunnur said...

I love the comparison you've made here; man to diamond and ethics to light. Very true, a person becomes worthless without good ethics no matter how wealthy he is. Beautiful haiku!

Surbhi Bafna said...

No shine without light. You conveyed the message in terse. Kudos!
Silly Smiles... Take you Miles :)


Poetry - Reflection of my feelings ♥ ツ . Design By: SkinCorner Sri Valli