Friday, January 18, 2013

The Boy Who Was Raped: A True Story

(Image taken from here)

He runs with unbridled joy,
And eats every biscuit that he licks,
His eyes light up with every new toy,
‘Twas a beautiful world and he was just six.

Learning to make friends at school,
Coloring books, catching crooks,
Pulling ponytails, breaking rules,
Big eyes that mesmerize with every look.

Everything was beautiful bliss,
But soon this peace was destroyed,
His innocence was robbed starting with an unwanted kiss,
And the soul became cold, dark and void.

The evil one dimmed his happy fire,
And unsparingly exploited his vulnerability,
Used his body for evil desire,
Repeatedly RAPED him most ruthlessly.

That boy with the spark in his eyes is gone,
Salty tears instead of the chocolate ice creams,
Blamed God for everything that went wrong,
But Alas! No one heard his screams.

He lies down exhausted,
Nursing his wounds and scars,
Waiting for the train to come around,
He was spared to live long and far.

The evil one took everything that he had,
But today he fights continuously,
To spare others, his fate as a lad,
Defiance to the evil one he shows tirelessly.

Because there’s one hope that leads him on,
Wounds will heal, scars will fade,
Remembering the pain, he cries alone,
My son, I’m with you , do not be afraid.

- Micah

Harish Iyer, born 16 April 1979, is an activist for a number of socio-environmental issues including animal rights, gay rights, environmentalism and victims of child sexual abuse. As a child he was raped, by a maternal relative. Recently, he shared his entire story On Indian national television.

This episode had moved the entire nation and brought it to a realisation that rapists don't take note of relations, age, looks or even gender. Eye-opening and shocking, I whole-heartedly encourage you to watch the entire video. Or if you don't have the time to watch it. Read his heart wrenching story here. This Story takes significance, specially as the whole nation reels under the shock of the Delhi-Gang rape.
Every life is precious. Speak out for the ones without hope. Like Kathy Troccoli once sang:

"So Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world"


(I Thank SriValli Di for letting me author this guest post. You can find more of my work at 
Hello Poetry)

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19 Comments ♥ ツ

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Sankara Jayanth S said...

beautiful intense genuine emotions. well written!

Anonymous said...

ONE WORD ONLY...WOW....I am speechless right now, brilliant job

Deepak Kripal said...

Words fail me to say anything about such heinous acts born out of carnal desires.

Pain and helplessness is very evident in the poem.
A well written and emotional poem.

prathima gangadhar said...

too good valli nice work

Namrata Mahalingam said...

Absolutely flawless! Brilliant job!

Woman'n'Beyond said...

I saw this episode and watched the workshop at the end of the show, educating kids about good touch and bad touch, with my daughter. We generally try to be more protective about girls, but forget that boys are equally at risk.

Very nice post, Thanks for hosting Valli!

TTT said...

I am just speechless...

Tomichan Matheikal said...

Valli, I think you've tried to capture a very poignant aspect of life. Yet, I feel, you missed something... I don't know.

Ranjan said...

very well written,this type of activities are taking around in our society nowadays...
thanks so much to aware us...

Fast Music slow traffic said...

Oh!! Nicely composed,your guest bloggers are as fine poets as your Valli

Suddenly my heart is heavy

Cifar said...

nice poem reflecting the scenario of child sexual abuse

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone. :)

Saurabh Chawla said...

I saw this episode on TV. The facts that remained under the ground for several reasons were unearthed. I still feel sad that these crimes do exist in our country which we call is full of emotions!

Anonymous said...

I just don't want to acknowledge that these things exist otherwise I start feeling disgusting about the society we live in.

Preeti S. said...

Child abuse is an unforgivable sin. It is humanity at its worst. I saw that episode and I could not believe what I saw or heard. It was heart-breaking. This is the world that we are gifting to those who come after us, a world of unending horror and undeserved pain and anguish.

More than anything, I admire him for his strength to be able to live with the trauma and come to face it, not as a victim but also as a survivor.

Beautifully penned poem. Keep it up. :)

Unknown said...

This breaks my heart again :(

Rat said...

Very poignant and intense poem.. beautifully penned down the agony.

Well done, Micah.

Grace said...

I never knew such a situation can happen ~

Thank you for highlighting this important issue ~

Rape,whether male or female, is wrong ~

ronita said...



Poetry - Reflection of my feelings ♥ ツ . Design By: SkinCorner Sri Valli