Monday, November 19, 2012

Heart desert

(Image taken from here)

Her heart, Once
garden blushing with
sweet love buds

But, fire of
betrayal burnt it
to desert

Written for Haiku Heights

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24 Comments ♥ ツ

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Amrit Sinha said...

That's sad. I hope the phoenix rises from these ashes :-)

Tarang Sinha said...

Wow! Amazing picture and beautiful set of haiku...really!:)

the little princess said...

shower of the all encompassing rain,
will make it bloom all over again!

Unknown said...

Good one Valli, there is so much of meaning in the image.

Rahul Bhatia said...

Lovely creativity, Valli:)

Woman'n'Beyond said...

lovely haiku with a picture to match!

♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

I am feeling exactly the same way.

Anonymous said...

Indeed Poignant, well written

Bikram said...

sad .. but then there is greenery and water too in desert called the Oasis.. :)

lovely poem

Unknown said...

Lovely! The picture adds much more depth to the haiku!

Megha Sarin said...

What a sweet and bitter composition of words <3 It is all just a phase. :(


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Yes, betrayal can turn a heart into a desert...

Desert Monk
Tangled Desert Tree

Grace said...

I love the set ~ Fire of betrayal is a powerful metaphor ~

Anonymous said...

Oh how sad, a very moving poem. Your blog is beautiful.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Betrayal singes trust and any associated love! A nasty burn! Lovely haiku!

Anonymous said...

Sad but that's part of life. There's no guarantee but we learn from all the setbacks.

brudberg said...

Sad thoughts from a word. Remember that with just a single rain the desert blooms

joanne said...

keep on sprinkling us with your lovely haiku stars....

கா.ந.கல்யாணசுந்தரம் said...

Very nice picture and great haiku. My wishes.

Reading Pleasure said...

Beautiful and sad

P!yu said...

loved your blog. it is wonderful and the design is awesome. Reply me at

Keep blogging



Pranita said...

Sad haiku this... hope it gets better with time, as it always does! :)

Deserted dreams breathe on me

Prema said...

Nice! Valli :)

Sri Valli said...

Thanks for the read everyone :)


Poetry - Reflection of my feelings ♥ ツ . Design By: SkinCorner Sri Valli